Event Details
The Witcher School - International Edition
Moszna Castle, Poland

Direct Info

Gi, 29. Settembre to Do, 02. Ottobre 16

Schloss Moschen, Strzeleczki, Polen, Altra  Karte

GRV (Fantasy - Senza Punti)
tutti provvisteFood
tutti provviste

350 EUR

110 (Total)

Spazio liberi (Last update: 24.05.2016)

LARP Smart Spider


You're only one click away from entering The Witcher School! Take a look at the short summary of the international run, which took place at Castle Grodziec. All content comes directly from the game.
How do you like it?

The Witcher School is a LARP for adults inspired by „The Witcher” series and the fantasy book series by Andrzej Sapkowski. During the game you will become an apprentice going through a rigorous witcher training: you will learn fencing, archery and alchemy; you will hunt monsters, unveil secrets and intrigues; and finally, you will face tough choices and discover the consequences the hard way. You will move to Moszna Castle in Poland, redecorated for our needs and transformed into a real witchers' abode where you will meet famous characters known from “The Witcher” books and games. The Witcher School is open to both women and men. More details on www.witcherschool.com, Tickets available at www.5zywiolow.com/shop

The Sword of Destiny has two edges – one of them is you.

Mitte März war die erste International Witcher School in Polen.
Zu dritt gingen wir dahin und hatten keine vorstellung wie es werden wird. Es wurde eines der besten Larps an denen wir je Teilgenommen haben.

Also auf jedenfall Empfehlenswert. Auch für Leute die das Witcher Universum nicht so gut kennen. Allerdings sollte man gute Englischkentnisse haben.

Ich freue mich jedenfalls auf die fortsetzung. smilie

Wenn ihr Fragen habt oder auf jeden fall mitkommen wollt schreibt mir, würde mich freuen:

14:14 Uhr · 24. Maggio 16

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