Event Details
College of Wizardy
Harry Potter ähnliches Zauberschul-LARP

Direktinfo: http://www.cowlarp.com/
Datum: Gi, 07. Aprile - Do, 10. Aprile 16
Ort: Czocha Castle, Poland (Altra)
Orga: Dziobak Larp Studios
FantasyGRV (Fantasy - Senza Punti)
tutti provvistetutti provviste
Preis: 380 EUR
Plätze: 140 (Total)
Status: Sconosciuto (Stand: 24.01.2017)
Beschreibung: Die 7te Durchführung des vielbeworbenen Harry Potter ähnlichen LARP in einem Schloss.

College of Wizardry is a four-day Wizard School larp event, where you can act out your dreams of being a student witch or wizard at a beautiful fairytale castle in Poland. Surrounded by around 140 like-minded people, at College of Wizardry you will:

Attend classes as a witch or wizard and learn the magical arts

Be selected to represent one of the five ancient Houses of Czocha Castle

Explore the castle and meet the magical creatures that roam the grounds

Make new friends and form long lasting bonds with like-minded people

Get into discussions, stir up shenanigans, and play games

Perhaps even a little (in-character) romance?

Spend 3 nights at a castle in Poland and have a once-in-a-lifetime adventure

Either travel to Zamek Czocha yourself or take our cheap bus from Berlin

übrigens, es waren schon einige Schweizer an den anderen Durchführungen dieses LARPs