Event Details
Larpwrite Winter Retreat
a three days writing enclosure

Direktinfo: https://www.facebook.com/events/1173598786028124/
Datum: Tue, 27. December to Thu, 29. December 16
Ort: Langenseifen (Germany)
UnknownWorkshop (Unknown)
Full boardFull board
Preis: 35 Euro
Status: Unknown (Stand: 09.12.2016)
Beschreibung: 'Larpwrite Winter Retreat' is a first attempt for a three days writing enclosure.

The idea is to write/ create/ express your vision of a political min-larp... With a little help from some friends.

I know - it's short notice, but sometimes one has to make magic happen when magic happens.

The project is hosted by Waldritter e.V. and organised by Larson. We need to be - at least - twelve people to make it happen. Fifteen would be better. So please be quick with sign up and spread the word. smilie

The location is a self catering house we already used for two 'It's full of Larps' events. We have a lot of room and as much country side silence. We have to take care of cooking and cleaning up on our own but we also have the opportunity to use the house as we're pleased...

We will be funded by 'Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung' through 'Waldritter e.V.'. This means that we have to do part of the programm in a structure.

Please bring what ever you need to write, be it paper & pen, laptop, typewriter, your cellphone, a recording device or a flip chart. Bring your brains, your souls, your ideas and be ready for inspirational sparks. Bring what ever you need to make yourself comfortable and also a kitchen knife.... smilie
